Friday 11 December 2015

Brit Decor: Makes/ DIY Christmas Wreaths

True to my busy workload and hectic life, I've been struggling to find a creative moment to indulge in some festive 'making' but thankfully found the time to make these DIY wreaths. There's a hint of Winter in there with the pine cones but actually, these wouldn't look out of place as summer-themed decorations and could easily be adapted to add Summery foliage such as Lavender.

My starting point in terms of inspiration was actually this 'fun hook' from one of my favourite stationers (and there are many), Present & Correct. At just £6.50, I recently purchased this in the knowledge that it was bound to prove useful for a creative project, or two! The majority of the materials for my DIY wreaths were sourced for free from our cottage garden, with Olive leaves and Rosemary providing the greenery. I also found some black raffia string that I'd bought from Paperchase and various ribbons that I keep for projects just like this.

Using some green gardening wire, I attached the greenery and pine cone to the fun hook and then added the ribbons and decorative tag. This 'make' was not only incredibly easy to accomplish, it was also super-quick - and having to time to spare, particularly in the run-up to Christmas, is a huge bonus!

Happy weekend,

All images / Mike Ahern

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