Sunday, 6 January 2019

Brit Decor: Memory Lane Makeover

Until about a week before Christmas I had been basking in the glorious knowledge that after almost exactly two years in the making, our home was complete - no more renovations, no more upheaval, no more furniture changes (at least for a while)...that was until I received a phone call from a close relative to say that her beautiful Wiltshire cottage was in need of a de-clutter (we've all been there, right?).

The moral sticking point in my Aunt's early Spring clean was a particular sideboard which had belonged to my great-grandparents, but this needed to be gone, to clear some much needed space. Had I not been able to recall the sideboard in question, in-situ in my great-grandfolk's home, I may not have given it another thought, but when the question was put to me if I'd like to take on this heirloom, my sentimental side well and truly kicked into play.

Almost without thinking, my reply was 'yes'! You see, I'm a firm believer in making things work, even against the odds. Prior to my Aunt's offer, apart from a couple of mid-century pieces (it is a 1960's built home after all) - our home didn't contain any antique / vintage pieces, and I was concerned about how an early 1900's sideboard would sit within in such a contemporary context.

Thankfully, as soon as the sideboard was welcomed in through the front door, it seemed to change the whole dynamic and rather than sit at odds with everything, it actually enriches our home with character - the sort you just can't buy at IKEA! 

Apart from the vintage teal/brown speckle jug, which also belonged to my great grandparents, I've embellished the sideboard with contemporary accessories, including a newly purchased notebook from HAY, which helps to give this cherished piece of furniture a context in the 'now' and not just the past. In short, I love it!

All Images / Mike Ahern

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